Q: How does merely thinking wise thoughts awaken prajna/wisdom? A thought is a thought, whether enlightened or not… So, clinging to any thought is bondage, isn’t it?
A: Wise thoughts are a reflection of our inner prajna or wisdom, and are skillful means in our practice to awakening. Yes, clinging to any thoughts, or any “thing” for that matter, is indeed bondage. But in order to arrive fully at the station and to disembark from the train, one must ride and hold on to the vehicle. The Buddha spoke about the raft we use to cross the river of samsara. Once we have reached the ‘other shore’, we leave the raft behind, we don’t carry it with us. It’s the same with reflecting on and using wisdom in the form of thoughts – it can help awaken prajna/ wisdom in us. When we are fully awake, we don’t rely on them anymore.