
Viveka Hermitage is the monastic residence of Ayya Jitindriyā and Samaneri Jayasāra. They are Buddhist nuns ordained in the Theravāda forest tradition as samaneris (ten-precept nuns). While this is their main practice tradition they are also interested in and learn from other spiritual traditions.

The hermitage is just a small house in a quiet hamlet of the Eurobodalla Shire in southern NSW, Australia. It supports the nuns’ contemplative life and Dhamma practice in relative seclusion, and provides a base for developing online resources to support others in their spiritual practice. (As a small monastic residence there is no facility for guest accommodation or retreats).

This website has been created to serve as a ‘virtual hermitage’ — a place of spiritual practice — offering a variety of Dhamma resources for those who are interested, which you’ll find both here on this site as well as other sites that are linked to under the ‘Resources’ tab. There are guided meditations, Dhamma talks, books and other resources to explore. The various Posts will provide occasional contemplative reflections, as well as any updates or news. And under the Q & A tab you’ll find a selection of the most relevant questions we’ve received about Dhamma practice and our responses, with ongoing additions.

We hope you enjoy and find benefit in these various offerings of Dhamma and the wise pointings to Truth from a range of different sources.

~ May all beings be deeply well and find peace within their own hearts ~

About Ayya Jitindriyā

About Samaneri Jayasāra

About ‘Cat’ (R.I.P.)