
Nibbana – Coming Home

Here’s a talk on Nibbāna (Nirvana) by Ayya Jitindriyā, who was invited to speak on this topic in an online Buddhist conference last year – organised by the Metta Centre in Sydney.

Description: Nibbana [Skt: Nirvana] is a word pointing to the final goal or peak achievement of the Buddhist spiritual life – the full liberation of the heart. But is it an ‘achievement’? Can it even be a ‘goal’? While the word points to a profound realisation that brings freedom from delusion and dukkha (unsatisfactoriness), the reality is it cannot be sought after, grasped, achieved, aimed at, or even pinned down conceptually! How then are we to understand and approach this highest noble Truth? ‘Coming Home’ gives us a clue.

10-Minute Meditations

We’ve just uploaded a new set of guided meditations for you: ‘10-Minute Meditations’.

These work well for those situations when you don’t have a lot of time available, but want help to ground and reconnect in a brief window of time. Of course, they’d also be helpful for getting kick-started in a longer period of meditation that you may wish to do. Or, simply for their own sake.

There are twenty of these guided meditations — ten from Samaneri Jayasāra in a series called ‘Resting in Naturalness’, and ten from Ayya Jitindriyā in a series called ‘Intrinsic Awareness’. You can find these by going to the ‘Resources’ menu tab, then selecting the ‘Guided Meditations’ page. Or you can click on the link below for direct access to them.

We hope you find these offerings both beneficial and enjoyable.

10-Minute Meditations

Sharing of Gratitude

We received this beautiful video letter of gratitude recently, which touched our hearts deeply.

So we wanted to share it here as we feel it represents a universal expression of gratitude and appreciation, which is not about ‘us’, but points to and touches into the deep movement of Love, Truth and Beauty that permeates this world, this heart — right here to be felt and tuned-in to.

Many thanks to Itai for giving permission to share it, and for his beautiful words springing from the heart.

Women Awakening Conversation

In this conversation, Samaneri Jayasāra speaks with Erica Bassani from the “Women Awakening Project” on the topic of women’s spirituality; opening to a range of spiritual disciplines; dealing with the current social changes and challenges, and other topics of interest.

For more information about the “Women Awakening” project or to support Erica, please see the following sites:

Our Dear ‘Catty’

Dear Friends,

It is with great sadness that we let you know our dear little Catty, ‘Sumudu’, passed away yesterday (18th Jan.) after a brief illness. The likely cause, it seems, was infection by a paralysis tick. Even though we never found one on her or in the house, the vet said that all the symptoms matched that illness and speed of decline.

Our dear friend is sorely missed, and will be for quite a while. As a mature feline, she emanated such love and presence that she was always a source of pure joy and a cause for the emergence of spontaneous loving care. Her contented ‘beingness’ reflected the purity of consciousness itself, (well, 99.9% of the time)! Admittedly, she still had some preferences, and would let us know without hesitation when she wasn’t pleased with a meal offering served up from time to time… But, her old body had particular needs – like all of us! She was a grand 22 years of age, so, finding what supported her well-being was a pleasure.

Viveka Hermitage feels so much emptier without her physical presence… and it will take some getting used to, as she has been here since its instigation and was a significant part of our little community! But, in recollecting the Dhamma, we are remembering the unswerving truth of anicca – change and uncertainty – in all forms, in all conditioned things, and the life-lesson of not clinging to, not identifying with any manifestation of the khandas, whether as so-called ‘self-forms’ or ‘other-forms’.

And, while feeling the sadness of her loss, we are remembering too that it was the very essence of loving-conscious-awareness that emanated from Catty which was/is her true essence – as it is with any and all of us – that true nature which never dies, is never separate, has never been born, is never truly affected by changing conditions, even as the kammic forms undergo the cycle of change. This is the truth and essence of her being, as it is the truth and essence underlying all forms of being. Her little being was just so good at reflecting that ever-loving-presence in her form-being!

So, we are grateful for her gift of Dhamma and the time we shared together – grateful for her uncomplicated loving presence, and bless her passing out-of-form as a release from aging, illness, and the confines of death-bound phenomena. May she rest in perfect peace –  may she fully rest in the ultimate nature of nibbana – the deathless – the liberation of, and from, all cycling forms.

2024 Online Day Retreat

Happy New Year to you all!

On the 11th of February this year, we offered a one-day online retreat live on YouTube. It has been archived so those of you who couldn’t join live can participate whenever it’s convenient for you. Everything you need to know is below. Enjoy!

Cultivating Mindfulness & Wisdom

A One-Day Online Retreat with Samaneri Jayasāra and Ayya Jitindriyā

On YouTube –

The cultivation of mindfulness, full awareness and wisdom are central to the path of awakening as taught by the Buddha. In this online day retreat, Samaneri Jayasāra and Ayya Jitindriyā offer teachings and guided meditations based on mindfulness practice, supporting the development of calm and insight, and integrating it into our daily lives.  

We encourage participants doing the whole retreat in a day to practice observing noble silence for the duration if possible, as this really helps deepen the practice. There are periods of Q&A (recorded from the ‘live’ sessions) both in the late morning and afternoon sessions . The whole retreat (in 4 video sessions) is archived on Samaneri Jayasara’s YouTube channel for you to engage in whenever it suits you.

See the retreat schedule below, and the links to the Retreat playlist on YouTube.

YouTube Retreat link here

Download Flyer and Retreat Schedule here


Retreat Schedule

Session 1:

8:30am:     Introduction, Dhamma reflection & guided meditation

9:45am:     Walking meditation (30mins)

10:15am:   Tea Break

Session 2:

10:45am:   Guided meditation + Q&A

12:00pm:   LUNCH BREAK

Session 3:

1:30pm:     Dhamma reflection & guided meditation

2:30pm:     Walking meditation (30mins)

3:00pm:     Tea Break

Session 4:

3:30pm:     Guided meditation + Q&A

4:45pm:     Closing dedications and end of Live retreat

NB: For those who wish to continue the retreat practice into the evening to make a full day, we’ve provided links below for two guided meditations with Dhamma reflections. The first is from Ajahn Chah, and the second from Ajahn Dune, two great Masters from the Thai Forest Tradition. These talks are read by Samaneri Jayasāra and have been especially selected for the final sessions of this retreat. Listen to one or both, as you like.

Link to: ‘Developing Samadhi’ – by Ajahn Chah (62 mins)

Link to: ‘The Method of Developing Bhavana’ – by Ajahn Dune  (44mins)

~ May all beings be well ~

Working with Challenging Emotions

Over the years, many people have enquired of us about how to work with challenging emotional states, such as anger or depression, anxiety or grief. These are very human experiences that we all encounter at least at some stage in our lives, if not on a more regular basis. Meditators are not immune to these emotional experiences, and in fact, when we start a spiritual practice, we may even come into contact more strongly with mind-states and emotions that we haven’t seen so clearly before.

Its important in our spiritual practice not to disassociate or cut-off from emotions with the idea that we should be more ‘detached’ or ‘above’ such things. But rather, we can develop an attitude of real interest in them in order to begin to understand these states with wisdom. We also, of course, need to develop the heart qualities of kindness and compassion to fully embrace such experiences without judgement, as resistance merely sharpens the pain.

Ayya Jitindriyā has created a series of guided contemplations and meditations which offer a way of working with some of this more challenging emotional terrain that we encounter in life. The series invites us and guides us to come more fully into presence with these emotional experiences, allowing them to transform… and in the process, to transform us – into more fully integrated, balanced and wise human beings.

While the approach in the guided practice is aimed at supporting those in the midst of such states to come out the other side with a deeper understanding and a more peaceful heart, they may also prove beneficial for those who wish to process and understand more deeply these experiences from a recollective perspective (i.e. if not currently feeling too impacted by them). Regardless of your current mind-state however, we hope you’ll find them helpful resources!

You’ll find this new series on the ‘Guided Meditations’ page of this website (under the ‘Resources’ tab), and we’ve also linked to it here.

Working with Challenging Emotions Series